Sunday, October 18, 2009


On Sunday, Daddy, Mommy and I went to a pumpkin patch. There were about a million pumpkins. I had fun running up and down the rows.
I picked out a perfect pumpkin...
But I let Daddy do the heavy lifting.
They also had a ring toss...
that took me a while to figure out.
And a beanbag toss.

I met some new friends at the pumpkin patch.
They laid down on the ground to take a family photo, so I did what they were doing.
After they left, I put my head where they did.
I thought it would be fun to pat the huge pumpkin... Daddy thought it would be fun to pick the big pumpkin's nose.

Soon we're going to carve the pumpkin. That sounds pretty messy, so I think I'll like it!

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